Peer Review
Double-blinded Peer Review
Manuscripts submitted for review are evaluated anonymously by two scholars. However, the Editors alone are responsible for every final decision on publication of manuscripts. The Editors may suggest changes in the manuscript in the interest of clarity and economy of expression. Such changes are not to be made without consultation with the author(s). The authors should ensure that the manuscript is submitted in final form.
Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted using the form in the Submit page in Word format, and must contain
A completely anonymized manuscript (including title and abstract), which should not contain any information identifying the author
A title page with the further information:
the complete title of the manuscript;
the names and full (professional) affiliation of all author(s), with e-mail address(es), weblink to their institution, full postal address, and telephone number where they can be reached;
and a short CV of 200 words maximum.
The title page will not be accessible to the referees.
The abstract should be a single paragraph of 200 words or less that briefly describes the research question addressed, the analytical and theoretical approach, and the major findings of the manuscript.